Heesta Ducaysane wiilkayoow - Lyrics
Ducaysane wiilkayoow < Oh my blessed son
Anoo dan yar baan ku dhalay < I begot you poor.
Dabadeed waxan galay askari < Then became a soldier.
Anoon waligay dalacin iyo < Without any promotion,
Dablaan kugu soo korshoo < I raised you a rank-less soldier.
Qeyrkey wuxuu duunyo yeeshay < As my peers amassed money,
Asaagay daaro jeexday < My rank's folks built property,
Adan kugu daalay aabe < On nurturing you I labored my son. And
Rabigay iguma darnaane < My Lord wasn't unmerciful
Run baan kuu sheegayaa < in my toil to rear you. I am telling
Markaad dugsi sare dhamaysay < You the truth. Upon completing high school,
Adoon dibadda u hiloobin < Not yearning for a foreign land,
Inaad dalkii daafac noqoto < If, but becoming a defender of your
Hadaad dooratoo jeclaatay < Country is a calling of your choice,
Ducaan kuu hibeeye aabe < I bless you my son!
Adduunka intaad dul joogto < As long as you live on this earth!
Darajo yay yarasi malahee < Rank is never too trivial.
Hadduu Rabi kuugu deeqo < If the Lord blesses you with it,
Ha noqon ha doqon kibir ku faana < Never, never become an arrogant daft.
Dammane yaan lagugu xaman < Dim-witted you should not be known.
Dulqaad waligaa lahow < Patience, always employ. And
Dadkaad xukuntana tix geli < Defer to those you direct.
Sharcigana daacad u ahow < Abide honestly by the law.
Hadiidine amarka raac < Don't defy commands, Obey!
Dalkaaga nafta u hibee < Sacrifice yourself for your land.
Waxaan danta guud ahayn < Naught but broad decency
Ducaysane kuguma ogi < I bequeath you my blessed son.
Dudun ka boodi mayside < You aren't jumping over a mot hill.
Adiga iyo inta ula da'da ah <But honesty for you and your
Dardaaran idiinka dhigayaa < Peers, I entrust upon you.